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Neumann U87 | Audient iD14 | GIK Acoustics Home Studio

George, just George

George is a British Voiceover Artist & Voice Actor, based near Shrewsbury in the UK. Just on the English border with Wales, lovely.

His voice puts the listener at ease, while keeping a confidence that doesn’t patronise.

Perfectly suited to narration, explainers, and e-learning scripts.

Have a listen to his showreels and About Me.. err.. About Him above, then click around to hear more specific demos.

Feel free to reach out about anything, work or otherwise, I’m lucky with this job and happy to pay that forward.


Voiceover Clients

Marketers, Casting Directors and Producers from global brands trust George’s voiceover talent with their projects. I know it’s name dropping to use all these logos (which I loathe), but unfortunately it feels necessary.


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