Character Voice acting

Audio Block
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Audio Block
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Audio Block
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George dressed as Shakespearean Character, very flamboyant

Yes, it is dominating the page. No, I will not resize it. Yes, I did peak on this day.

Growing up playing Videogames and watching Cartoons means that this side of the job is very special to me. I suppose I grew up watching Commercials too, but they thankfully had less of an impact on me.

I’ll voice anything, but I’m best suited to Western Fantasy and Realistic Sci-Fi I think. Oh, and villains, because of the Britishness. We’re such rascals.


How much does this ‘voice acting’ cost?

Like the rest of my pricing structure, there’s a big “means tested” slant to it. If you’re an indie game dev with a tight budget, we’ll work really hard to find a fair price for everyone. I’m well aware most indie games don’t make that much profit, so I’m not about holding the flame to anyone’s feet.

Moreso that the other genres on this website, projects that require Voice Acting are generally less commercial, with more of an ‘arty’ aspect to them. Videogames included, a huge proportion of them only get made due to the Arts funding of local governments.